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排序: 相关度| 出版时间| 更新时间 检索词:the Pan Beibu Gulf area     检索到  4749  条相关信息

The Pan-Beibu Gulf economic cooperation developed against the backdrop of the global financial crisis in 2009. The 4th Pan-Beibu Gulf Economic Cooperation Forum was held successful...

作者:GuXiaosong LongYuwei 出版时间:2010-08-01

In 2012,Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone has made a new progress and breakthrough in opening up and development as well as external cooperation.2013 is not only the year that conti...

作者:杨鹏 出版时间:2013-10-01

“Development Plan for Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone”(short for “Plan”) is not only the first development plan that is edited with the idea of main functional areas,but also the ...

作者:自治区北部湾办公室规划处 出版时间:2013-10-01

Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone(BGEZ)has developed for 9 years. During the progress of development,BGEZ has continually leading the economic growth of Guangxi,the new opening-up a...



作者:雷小华 出版时间:2012-07-01

The theoretical foundation of tradable permits is Coasian(Coase,1960). However,such mechanisms are generally ascribed to Dales(Dales,1968). In 1968 the Canadian economist Dales pro...

作者:YingnaHuang TianzhuZhang JiningChen 出版时间:2009-01-01

Payment for Environmental Services (PES) is a relatively new thinking and practice in sustaining the environment and ensuring flow of services out of it. China is one of the active...

作者:LiXiaoyun JinLeshan ZuoTing 出版时间:2007-05-01

China-Africa Poverty Reduction and Development Seminar-the Development of SEZs in China and the Poverty Reduction,which is jointly hosted by IPRCC and UNDP,and undertook by China C...

作者:(Ethiopia)H.E.HailemeskelTefera 出版时间:2012-12-01
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