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The Chinese government started to implement poverty alleviation strategies in an organized way in 1986 so as to offset the insufficiency rate at which poverty was declining. In the...

作者:李小云 张雪梅 唐丽霞 褚利明 刘福合 文秋良 出版时间:2006-12-01

By employing the basic theoretical paradigms of institutional economics, this paper analyzes the institutional arrangements of six major government led ecological services provisio...

作者:SunChangjin ChenLiqiao 出版时间:2007-05-01

In 2012,Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone has made a new progress and breakthrough in opening up and development as well as external cooperation.2013 is not only the year that conti...

作者:杨鹏 出版时间:2013-10-01

Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone(BGEZ)has developed for 9 years. During the progress of development,BGEZ has continually leading the economic growth of Guangxi,the new opening-up a...


The Pan-Beibu Gulf economic cooperation developed against the backdrop of the global financial crisis in 2009. The 4th Pan-Beibu Gulf Economic Cooperation Forum was held successful...

作者:GuXiaosong LongYuwei 出版时间:2010-08-01


作者:雷小华 出版时间:2012-07-01


作者:广州大学广州发展研究院课题组 涂成林 出版时间:2011-06-01

保罗·斯威齐曾提到,“全球化既非一种状况,也非一种现象,而是一个进展很久的过程,在资本主义作为一种稳定的社会形态出现以来的几百年时间里,该过程一直没有停歇”Sweezy,P. M.,“More(or Less)on Globalization,” Monthly Review-New York。经济全球化的本质是资本主义生产方式全球化。因此,对资本...

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