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排序: 相关度| 出版时间| 更新时间 检索词:governance changes     检索到  564  条相关信息


作者:李周 〔瑞士〕克劳德·勒内·黑默 出版时间:2021-11-01

Over the past three decade economic development has greatly changed the rural China. The policy of reform and opening-up,which started to be implemented in the early 1980s,has resu...

作者:GangShuge 出版时间:2009-01-01

原文标题:AIIB Portents Significant Impact on Global Financial Governance

作者:ZhaoHong 出版时间:2017-07-01

原文标题:AIIB Portents Significant Impact on Global Financial Governance

作者:ZhaoHong 出版时间:2017-07-01

Before China entered the World Trade Organization(WTO)in late 2001 many analysts expected considerable adverse impacts on agriculture in general and cotton production in particular...

作者:Bj?rnAlpermann 出版时间:2009-01-01

This paper describes the evolution of China’s agricultural policies, principally those dealing with food supply, increasing farmers’ incomes and restoring degraded agricultural lan...

作者:LiXiaoyun WangDongmei ZuoTing JinLeshan 出版时间:2007-05-01

Over the past two decades and more,great achievement has been made with China’s poverty alleviation benefited from the strong economic growth and the well-planned poverty alleviati...

作者:李小云 张雪梅 唐丽霞 褚利明 刘福合 文秋良 出版时间:2006-12-01

Rangelands are extremely important to society for the goods and services as well as for the ecological services they provide. They account for about one-half of all the lands in th...

作者:TanShuhao 出版时间:2009-01-01
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