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排序: 相关度| 出版时间| 更新时间 检索词:Population control     检索到  719  条相关信息

The theoretical foundation of tradable permits is Coasian(Coase,1960). However,such mechanisms are generally ascribed to Dales(Dales,1968). In 1968 the Canadian economist Dales pro...

作者:YingnaHuang TianzhuZhang JiningChen 出版时间:2009-01-01

China is the largest developing country in the world and has long been beset by poverty due to its massive population,weak economic foundation and unbalanced development. It is the...

Since the establishment of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone,the city has had a sustainable and rapid development of economy and society. Moreover,it has accomplished so remarkable an...

作者:DongXiaoyuan 出版时间:2012-12-01

This paper describes the evolution of China’s agricultural policies, principally those dealing with food supply, increasing farmers’ incomes and restoring degraded agricultural lan...

作者:LiXiaoyun WangDongmei ZuoTing JinLeshan 出版时间:2007-05-01

Forest Ecosystem Compensation Program (FECP) had been implemented in 11 provinces of China to “buy” (via provide subsidizes) forest service of watershed from the forest owners whos...

作者:ZuoTing JinLeshan GouTianlai ZhangBingqian LiXiaoyun 出版时间:2007-05-01

51.The Chinese governments strategy for the reduction of poverty has focused principally on administrative units designated as poor,with the objective being to raise average income...


早在古希腊时期,亚里士多德(Aristotle)在其名著《政治学》当中就曾犀利指出:“凡是属于最大多数人的公地(commons),往往是最少受人照顾的,人们关心自己的东西,而忽视公共的东西。”Aristotle,Politics随后,霍布斯描述的自然状态中的人其实也是这种公共问题的原型:人们寻求自己的利益,最后彼此相互厮杀。Thomas Hobbes,Lev...


The effect of technical diffusion indicates that the involuntary technology spillover promotes the level of technique and productivity in host country mainly through three outlets,...

作者:LiShengLan ZhangYun FengRui 出版时间:2012-12-01
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