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By employing the basic theoretical paradigms of institutional economics, this paper analyzes the institutional arrangements of six major government led ecological services provisio...

作者:SunChangjin ChenLiqiao 出版时间:2007-05-01

Rangelands are extremely important to society for the goods and services as well as for the ecological services they provide. They account for about one-half of all the lands in th...

作者:TanShuhao 出版时间:2009-01-01

中国城镇贫困与社会保障面临的特殊问题是大量外来务工人员(或称移民)的生存状况问题,本文从市场因素入手讨论中国参照发达国家的经验解决“三农”问题的国际性限制,按照市场逻辑和发达国家的经验,中国 “三农”问题的关键是农村劳动力的出路问题,因此将集中在这种逻辑下讨论农村劳动力转移问题,然后谈及中国农村劳动力资源结构与国内劳动力市场因素的限制问题及其对城市化进程的影...

作者:ChenXin 出版时间:2006-11-01

Over the past three decade economic development has greatly changed the rural China. The policy of reform and opening-up,which started to be implemented in the early 1980s,has resu...

作者:GangShuge 出版时间:2009-01-01

This paper mainly introduces the international background of poverty, poverty reduction and education in terms of the concept of poverty, education, capacity improvement and povert...

Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone(BGEZ)has developed for 9 years. During the progress of development,BGEZ has continually leading the economic growth of Guangxi,the new opening-up a...



作者:PanJie 出版时间:2006-11-01


作者:WangHongyan 出版时间:2006-11-01
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