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排序: 相关度| 出版时间| 更新时间 检索词:Labor Force     检索到  530  条相关信息

In the past 30 years,with its geographical advantages (adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao) and policy effect of special zone,Shenzhen,a border fishing village in the beginning,has bec...

作者:YuanYiming HeLei 出版时间:2012-12-01

The township and village-owned enterprises(TVE)in rural China have been regarded as both an engine of the Chinese economy and an important contributor to the success of Chinese eco...

作者:杜志雄 YoichiIzumida 出版时间:2009-01-01

Shenzhen,Dongguan and Huizhou,if these three cities want to catch up with and surpass famous international urban agglomerations and become world-class metropolitan area with strong...

作者:NieXinping 出版时间:2012-12-01

原文标题:How Would a New Labor Government in Australia (Re)Negotiate Trade and Investment Agreements?

作者:LeonTrakman 出版时间:2017-07-01

Collaborative development and spatial layout of industry is the core of regional development. Current domestic and international economic situation is undergoing profound changes,m...

作者:LiuJing 出版时间:2012-12-01

Last month a small town American newspaper,the Toledo Blade,shocked the international journalism community by its expose of war crimes against civilians committed by America’s elit...

作者:卓丽凤 出版时间:2006-02-01

Trade relations and investment between the GMS and China are growing rapidly, pushing their interdependence growing.The GMS sees opportunities to access the Chinese market as a lum...

作者:Nguyen Duy Loi 出版时间:2019-08-01

This paper was originally commissioned by the United Nations Development Program as a complement to China:Overcoming Rural Poverty-a report issued by the World Bank based on a trip...

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