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排序: 相关度| 出版时间| 更新时间 检索词:Education Popularization     检索到  570  条相关信息

Over the years,China has made significant progress in poverty reduction through education,contributing to the achievement of the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Development,in particu...

China is the largest developing country in the world and has long been beset by poverty due to its massive population,weak economic foundation and unbalanced development. It is the...

This paper mainly introduces the international background of poverty, poverty reduction and education in terms of the concept of poverty, education, capacity improvement and povert...

本文旨在宣传积极开展消费教育,以切实维护女性消费者的合法权益。由于女性消费者在家庭消费中影响着家庭其他成员尤其是孩子的消费观念和消费行为,同时,中国的市场经济还处于初级阶段, 消费者保护机制尚不健全,消费者的健康安全权益还不能得到有效保证,因此,积极开展消费教育,切实维护女性消费者的合法权益具有重要的意义。

作者:DongJingsheng 出版时间:2006-08-01

The achievements in poverty alleviation through education cannot be reached without strong political commitment,sufficient resource inputs,active participation and genuine dialogue...

亨德里克·哈德逊中心学区教育委员会诉罗利案(以下简称“罗利案”)是美国联邦最高法院第一次阐释1975年《残障儿童教育法案》(Education for All Handicapped Children Act)中“免费、适当的公立教育”(free appropriate public education)这一要求。该案一方面就如何为残障儿童提供适当...


In most countries,the acceptance and awareness of genetically modified(GM)food have been shaped by divergent messages from environmentalists and biotech industries. For one thing,e...

作者:PeterHo EduardB.Vermeer 出版时间:2009-01-01

From 1998 to 2002,40.8% of the Central Government’s Fiscal Poverty Alleviation Funds(FPAF)went to agriculture,22.5% to industry,5% to social undertakings like rural education,medic...

作者:李小云 张雪梅 唐丽霞 褚利明 刘福合 文秋良 出版时间:2006-12-01
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