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排序: 相关度| 出版时间| 更新时间 检索词:Poverty Reduction Through Education     检索到  1413  条相关信息

This paper mainly introduces the international background of poverty, poverty reduction and education in terms of the concept of poverty, education, capacity improvement and povert...

Over the years,China has made significant progress in poverty reduction through education,contributing to the achievement of the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Development,in particu...

1. In the initial years after economic reforms were introduced in 1978,China enjoyed remarkable growth of output and income per capita,accompanied by an equally remarkable reductio...


China is the largest developing country in the world and has long been beset by poverty due to its massive population,weak economic foundation and unbalanced development. It is the...

51.The Chinese governments strategy for the reduction of poverty has focused principally on administrative units designated as poor,with the objective being to raise average income...


70.The above analysis of poverty trends and of China's anti-poverty policy to date suggests the need for a significant reorientation of the national poverty reduction strategy....


China-Africa Poverty Reduction and Development Seminar was held in Shenzhen University from January 9-13,2012. It was co-hosted by International Poverty Reduction Center in China a...

作者:ZhangPing 出版时间:2012-12-01

127.As mentioned above,some micro-credit schemes have been instrumental in increasing people's participation in local decision-making.In pilot schemes,members have formed their...

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