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排序: 相关度| 出版时间| 更新时间 检索词:China     检索到  2423  条相关信息

By taking a panoramic view of the social and economic evolution of China,it is easy to see that poverty in China has a strong historical base. The root causes and manifestations of...

作者:李小云 张雪梅 唐丽霞 褚利明 刘福合 文秋良 出版时间:2006-12-01

Microfinance in China was started in the early 1990'5.It was originally an attempt by international donors and NGOs to address the issues involved in the government's Subsi...


The Law of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China was revised on December 28,2002 at the 31st Conference of the Ninth NPC standing committee and was enacted from March 1,200...

作者:李小云 左停 李鹤 出版时间:2009-01-01

Many different kinds of organisation have been experimenting with microfinance in China.NGOs,usually supported by international donors,have been active in China's microfinance ...


Before China entered the World Trade Organization(WTO)in late 2001 many analysts expected considerable adverse impacts on agriculture in general and cotton production in particular...

作者:Bj?rnAlpermann 出版时间:2009-01-01

1. In the initial years after economic reforms were introduced in 1978,China enjoyed remarkable growth of output and income per capita,accompanied by an equally remarkable reductio...


51.The Chinese governments strategy for the reduction of poverty has focused principally on administrative units designated as poor,with the objective being to raise average income...


Over the years,China has made significant progress in poverty reduction through education,contributing to the achievement of the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Development,in particu...

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