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Since plant biotechnology was introduced into world agriculture,it has incited a wide debate on its potential risks for human health,environment versus its expected benefits for fa...

作者:蒋靖浩 出版时间:2009-01-01

2005年通过了国家农村就业保障法案,在全国200个最穷的地区向每一个愿意工作的个人提供不少于100天的非技术劳动机会。2006 ~2007财年是充分落实国家农村就业保障法案的第一年。

In China, the restoration of environmental services is currently paid for by central and local governments. This overdependence on public resources to maintain the services provide...

作者:LvXing FuBaohong LiHetong JinYaLing XiePeiyi YangYanping 出版时间:2007-05-01

The achievements in poverty alleviation through education cannot be reached without strong political commitment,sufficient resource inputs,active participation and genuine dialogue...

本文拟从“共同生产”理念之沿革概述其与“新公共管理”、“共同治理”、“核心经济”(core economy)和“共享经济”(sharing economy)理念之间的关联性,并且强调透过赋权式(empowerment)和参与式(participation)的社会政策将可提高决策的正当性、透明度及服务质量,从而将社会政策融入经济政策再去思考未来如何透过共享经济...

作者:吴明儒 刘宏钰 出版时间:2016-07-01

By employing the basic theoretical paradigms of institutional economics, this paper analyzes the institutional arrangements of six major government led ecological services provisio...

作者:SunChangjin ChenLiqiao 出版时间:2007-05-01

Forest Ecosystem Compensation Program (FECP) had been implemented in 11 provinces of China to “buy” (via provide subsidizes) forest service of watershed from the forest owners whos...

作者:ZuoTing JinLeshan GouTianlai ZhangBingqian LiXiaoyun 出版时间:2007-05-01

127.As mentioned above,some micro-credit schemes have been instrumental in increasing people's participation in local decision-making.In pilot schemes,members have formed their...

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