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排序: 相关度| 出版时间| 更新时间 检索词:Financial Risk     检索到  701  条相关信息

As for the answers of why should Shenzhen develop the financial innovation and what advantages Shenzhen have,people seem to have reached a consensus. But on the problem of what pri...

作者:GuoMaojia LongKai 出版时间:2012-12-01


作者:MichaelDunford 出版时间:2011-01-01

Since plant biotechnology was introduced into world agriculture,it has incited a wide debate on its potential risks for human health,environment versus its expected benefits for fa...

作者:蒋靖浩 出版时间:2009-01-01

The Pan-Beibu Gulf economic cooperation developed against the backdrop of the global financial crisis in 2009. The 4th Pan-Beibu Gulf Economic Cooperation Forum was held successful...

作者:GuXiaosong LongYuwei 出版时间:2010-08-01

Microfinance institutions can operate in a variety of organisational forms,such as a commercial bank,a credit co-operative,a financial company,a special foundation or as an NGO.The...


原文标题:AIIB Portents Significant Impact on Global Financial Governance

作者:ZhaoHong 出版时间:2017-07-01

原文标题:AIIB Portents Significant Impact on Global Financial Governance

作者:ZhaoHong 出版时间:2017-07-01

92.The Chinese government has recognized the need to ensure that the poor benefit more directly from poverty reduction interventions and acknowledged the limitations of its current...

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